Time to Explore

Explore yourself...

Best Korean Films Part 1 (Film by Kim Ki-duk)

1. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring(2003) by Kim Ki-duk

The film is divided into five segments (the five seasons of the title), each segment depicting a different stage in the life of a Buddhist monk (each segment is roughly ten to twenty years apart, and is physically in the middle of its titular season).Cinematography is really good

2. Bad Guy (2002) film by Kim Ki-duk

Bad Guy (2002) is a South Korean film by director Kim Ki-duk about a man who traps a woman into prostitution, then becomes protective of her. The film was controversial for its frank portrayal of gangsters, prostitution, and sexual slavery, but also was a minor box office hit as its release coincided with a burgeoning audience interest in its male lead and director.

3. 3-Iron(2004) film by Kim ki-duk

A young drifter enters strangers' houses - and lives - while owners are away. He spends a night or a day squatting in, repaying their unwitting hospitality by doing laundry or small repairs. His life changes when he runs into a beautiful woman in an affluent mansion who is ready to escape her unhappy, abusive marriage.

Amazing Photoshop light effect in 10 Steps

Step 1

Create a new document, apply a Layer Style on the background layer. Add a Gradient Overlay and a Pattern Overlay.

Coffee tutorial

Step 2

Here I've used an icon I found on a cool site, but you can use whatever you want.

Coffee tutorial

Step 3

Select the Ellipse Tool (U) and create a shape like I did. After that apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) with radius of 30px.

Coffee tutorial

Step 4

Create a new Folder name it “Light Effects”. Change its blend mode to Color Dodge, and move the ellipse you created to this folder.

Coffee tutorial

Step 5

In order to create the sparks we will use the amazing brush engine. Add a new layer, inside the “Light Effects” layer, set white for the color and follow the images below.

Coffee tutorial

Step 6

Using the Layer Styles add a Outer Glow to the sparks

Coffee tutorial

Step 7

Lets add some smoke. Create a new Layer, call it “Smoke”. Change its blend mode to Color Dodge and select the Lasso Tool. Set 40px for Feather and create a selection like I did below. After that make sure that the foreground is white and the background is black and apply a Filter>Render>Clouds. Tip: Continue applying the filter until you get the best clouds.

Coffee tutorial

Step 8

Add some text and using the Layer Styles again lets create a nice effect.

Coffee tutorial

Step 9

Place your logo and you can even add more effects like I did on the Magic Lighting Effect, but then you will have to follow that tutorial ;).

Coffee tutorial


I have to say, if you know a bit of Layer Styles and the Brush engine in Photoshop you will be able to create amazing effects. It will depend exclusively on your imagination and playing with the tool. Sometimes just changing a some settings and you get a totally different effect.

Coffee tutorial

The PSD file used in this tutorial can be downloaded here.

Source :Abduzeedo

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Who I am

My photo
Hi, My name is Mohamed Anas and I am a Graphic Designer with over 4+ years experience within the industry. I have a passion for design, so I like to imagine a lot, so naturally I was intrigued to study this field in college, and i have no problem. Until I started working in the industry :-) and I stared my career in Aug'2007 and im a serious positive thinker I never start a thing with negative mind so think +ve and act +ve tat's me and I like to be a explorer. In the seance explorer in every aspect in my life which is I hold in my hand.

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